Call or Text Those Who Matter to You

“You may not think it is a big deal, but I really believe it is one of the kindest things you could do for another person.”

You can tell who really cares about you by those people in your life who take a little time out of their busy days to call or text you. You may not think it is a big deal, but I really believe it is one of the kindest things you could do for another person. They aren’t expecting you to reach out at all perhaps or you have not reached out in a while so they wouldn’t expect any contact, but the fact that you take the time to think of them, to send them a text message or to give them a call, shows just how much they really matter to you.

There are certainly other ways to show your appreciation and care for the people in your life such as meeting them to go out for dinner or for drinks or even a coffee or tea. However, I believe that sustaining a friendship or relationship isn’t just about meeting up every now and then but it’s about actively taking an interest in their life and how they are really doing. Being able to check in on them in a sincere way will make you stand out compared to other people in that person’s life.

Being a simple acquaintance is someone who doesn’t mind meeting up with you but for which you are the one who is always initiating, always reaching out, and always doing the leg work. That kind of one-sided contact can get old after a while as you may enjoy their company but feel as if they never reciprocate or attempt to make plans with you as well. Having a one-sided set up especially if you are always the initiator is what makes that person more of an acquaintance than a friend or a romantic partner. Those kinds of one-sided interactions can be fun and enjoyable, but they don’t have the kind of longevity you should really be looking for.

If you are always the person who is reaching out to call or text them, then good for you on doing so and I recommend it, but don’t let your own kindness and thoughtfulness not be reciprocated at all. Hopefully, the other person will eventually take the hint to do the same for you not just because it is the right thing to do but because they want to do so, and they also care about you. If you are always calling, texting, or making plans, and you don’t mind doing so, you can keep it going if you enjoy that person’s company. Moreover though, if they never reciprocate or show an active interest in your life and it frustrates you to how it is so one-sided, you may need to rethink how often you see or talk to that person.

Kindness should not ever come with an expectation of any reciprocation, but a one-sided friendship or relationship is not going to work out. I still would encourage anyone reading this to not be afraid to check-in with a loved one whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member. Don’t expect to always have them to do the same for you but I will say that it’s more likely for them to reach back out to you when you do that for them. You may have to be the first to do so but hopefully you won’t be the only person to do so and they’ll start thinking of you more and wondering how life is treating you.

Whether you are going through good times or bad times, you should call or text those people who really matter to you. It makes a huge difference, more than you would ever think, when you reach out to someone. You are going to brighten their day, improve their mood, or even strengthen the bond or connection you both already have. It truly is a selfless and kind act that we should be encouraging more in our society. If someone knows that you care and are thinking of them, they will feel energized and perhaps a little less sad or lonely as a result.

We may not be able to see that person in person but when you can call or text them to have a conversation, that is the next best thing that you can do. With how much technology has advanced, it’s almost as if they are with you physically and in the room with you. We are all busy and have a lot going on these days in our lives, but a simple call can just take a few minutes and a text message takes less than that in just a few seconds.

Let us strive to be there for one another especially when you know that person is struggling with something or having a rough patch in their life. Reach out to those who matter to you and don’t let it just be you doing it all the time. Make sure it’s a two-way street but if you must take the initiative first, do not hesitate in doing so. Kindness is about caring for one another and making a simple phone call or sending a text message to someone you love or like is the best way to start.